Sales300 for Individuals

Sales300 for individuals

Clearly identify your target market(s) and ideal clients – If you are not crystal clear about who you are selling to and why, it will be impossible to create a process to prospect effectively. This clarity also makes it much easier for others to make introductions and referrals to you.

Define your competitive advantage – Can you define what separates you from your competitors without using the following words: First class, professional or great service; we listen; we care; great customer support; next day delivery, lowest prices, more selections etc. You get the idea, everyone uses the same terms. Your advantage must be unique.

Develop effective messaging to separate you from your competition – understanding your competitive edge is one thing, being able to simply and concisely express it is another. Many salespeople fail to communicate in a way which connects with their target audience.

Leverage existing networks to get in front of prospects – Networking and warm introductions are one of the fastest ways to get in front of the right people. Networking without a clear purpose and targeted prospects to hopefully meet someone who may be able to provide you with a possible prospect is not an effective use of your time.

Use technology to stay organized and connected to prospects and clients – This is not as easy as it sounds. Technology is constantly changing and there are way too many clients, contacts, prospects and referral sources to keep track of without a system in place.

Being held accountable to stay focused and on track towards your goals – There is nothing more effective than someone holding you accountable to help stay focused and on track.

Someone to talk to – we are all our own worst enemies. Having a sales coach to talk to and work through challenges is one of the fastest paths to success.

Close more profitable business – Not every prospect will be a good client which can be a hard lesson for you as commissioned salesperson. Close more profitable business in less time by being in conversation with the right people and not waste time on nightmare prospects.. Nothing like consistent sales to keep your energy level high and the stress low.

Substantially increase your income – Most Sales300 members consistently increase their sales by 15-25% annually. I hope this needs no further explanation.