Why Sales300

Sales300 is designed to close the gap between sales training and real world, real-time challenges. Traditional sales methodology is no longer as effective because your prospective buyer can do hours of research and comparison shopping from the comfort and anonymity of their computer. Technology has changed the buying landscape and being adept at getting past “gatekeepers” will not help for messages lost in voice mail hell.

Business sales processes and professional salespeople have to adapt on the fly to keep up with industry changes. There is constant pressure on you as a business owner to increase top line revenue or you as the salesperson to consistently hit your numbers.

Why join Sales300?

  • Formal classroom or lecture style training has its place, however you can’t keep the trainer in your sales office or out in the field with you on sales calls.
  • It is a place for like-minded sales people to meet and work with professional sales coaches and their sales professional peers to solve real-time challenges.
  • Businesses can fine tune or overhaul their sales processes.
  • Sales300 members consistently increase their annual sales 15 to 25%.
  • Company sales meetings or networking groups don’t provide a safe space where you can talk about the challenges you face. Everything is confidential.
  • Peer pressure and camaraderie are the flip side of the same coin. Working with your peers provides a very powerful catalyst in raising your game and a level of comfort knowing there are others who care about you.
  • It is very easy to become distracted and lose your sales focus. Coaching sessions and peer discussion meetings will keep you on track and focused on your goals.
  • There is no long-term contract, stay as long as you are getting value from your investment.

Sales300 peer help is available and only a phone call or video conference away from working on what you need to get done today.